Reasons why you should snack on healthy bars

Reasons why you should snack on healthy bars

Nutrition is of paramount importance when you are taking the first step to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is essential to maintain a balance between what you eat and how much exercise you do on a regular basis. Also, ensure you follow a diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, […]

3 healthy twists to the classic oatmeal raisin cookies recipe

3 healthy twists to the classic oatmeal raisin cookies recipe

Oatmeal raisin cookies recipes are one of the most versatile cookies recipes. A variety of ingredients can be added to the classic oatmeal raisin cookies recipe; you can add chocolate chips, walnuts, dried fruits, peanut butter, cloves, ginger and so on to make different flavors of oatmeal raisin cookies. Despite these variations in oatmeal raisin […]

3 delicious varieties of oatmeal raisin cookies

3 delicious varieties of oatmeal raisin cookies

Cookies are one of the most popular comfort foods; a cross between biscuits and cakes, cookies are the most versatile desserts. You can make cookies with many flavors: chocolate, oatmeal, raisins, coconut, peanut butter, nutty. Mostly flour-based, nowadays you will find cookies made with ingredients other flour for people who are health conscious. Oatmeal raisin […]

Healthy Eating with 100-Calorie Snacks

Healthy Eating with 100-Calorie Snacks

When we are trying to lose weight, the key is to strike a balance with the weight loss diets that you indulge in. Low-fat cooking and healthy snacks for weight loss can ensure that you will lose weight in good time, without hampering the state of your nutritional intake. This is very important because you […]

Healthy 100-calorie snacks

Healthy 100-calorie snacks

If you want to lose weight, you need to eat the right kind of food in the right proportion. A packet of baked chips is not healthy for you, even though it says ‘baked’. But four slices from that same packet should be enough to satiate your junk craving. When it comes to eating right, […]

Pumpkin bread – a tasty snack

Pumpkin bread – a tasty snack

Bread is a daily necessity in most of our diets. But eating the same type of bread every day, can be boring. Hence experiment a little with your baked items, and treat yourselves with some pumpkin bread. Here is one recipe you can follow to make a really tasty pumpkin bread, perfect for the Halloween […]

Two mouth watering oatmeal and raisin cookie recipes

Two mouth watering oatmeal and raisin cookie recipes

No one can resist a good, wholesome cookie. Cookies come in many varieties and flavours but nothing compares to the decadence of an oatmeal and raisin cookie. The store bought ones taste amazing but if the cookies are freshly baked at home, the feeling and the aroma adds a whole new dimension to the cookie […]

Chewy and decadent oatmeal and raisin cookie recipe

Chewy and decadent oatmeal and raisin cookie recipe

Cookies are one of the most irresistible snacks available. Be it plain old butter cookies or the fancier ones with a wide array of goodies, cookies call out to you in a way that you cannot ignore. One cookie that truly stands out is the Oatmeal and Raisin cookie with its soft, chewy center, crisp […]

Low-fat cooking for salads and snacks

Low-fat cooking for salads and snacks

Losing weight or maintaining a fit body does not need to be a journey ridden with starvation and too many trips to the gym. While your exercise and diet are two necessary sides of the same coin when it comes to fitness, these can be planned in a way that you do not miss out […]

Super healthy party snack ideas for kids

Super healthy party snack ideas for kids

If you are organizing a birthday bash, playdate or a pajama party for your kids, snacks for children should be the first thing on your list. Instead of ordering a pizza from an outlet or taking them to a nearby burger joint, you should prepare some healthy snacks for the kids. Homemade healthy party snacks […]