Common non-drowsy allergy remedies

Common non-drowsy allergy remedies

Daytime drowsiness is one of the most common issues involved with allergy medications. As a result, those who suffer from allergy have a hard time with or without the medicine. This has led the medical research scientists to discover non-drowsy allergy relief that will work as effectively as other medicines. Today, this type of medicine […]

Tips for relief from pollen allergies

Tips for relief from pollen allergies

Have a runny nose, an itchy eye, and the irritating sensation of not being able to sneeze? The pollen count will be on the rise as the weather warms up every day. The warmth and humid weather after a bout of colder months bring you comfort as well as the dreadful. Yes, allergies! To get […]

How to fight a mold allergy?

How to fight a mold allergy?

Mold allergies can’t be cured, but you can find viable means to manage the conditions. This is because mold can grow at all places including the basement of the house, bathroom, cabinet, sink and even a pile of decaying leaves. If you are affected by mold allergy, you may feel that you are involved in […]

Treat your allergy effectively!

Treat your allergy effectively!

If you are suffering from seasonal allergy then don’t let its symptoms stop you from leading a normal life. In fact, help is at hand. There are several remedies that can treat your allergy and help you resume your normal schedule. Which is the best allergy medicine? There is no clear-cut answer to this age […]

What is a mold allergy?

What is a mold allergy?

Molds can grow at any place – from dried leaves to logs to your window ledges. Even moist places like kitchens and washrooms provide optimum condition for mold to thrive. Some people have serious allergies to these molds, which wreaks havoc on their health. There are about 1,000 species of mold found in the US […]

Most common cough treatments

Most common cough treatments

Coughing is a reflex action that helps clear your throat and airways. A cough can be categorized as acute or chronic. Acute coughs come on suddenly and can last upto 3 weeks while the onset of chronic coughs is much slower and these can last for much longer. Coughing can be irritating but a cough […]

Home remedies for a cough

Home remedies for a cough

Persistent coughing can be debilitating for you. Constant coughing can cause aches in your chest muscles and impede your normal life. Read on to know about the various forms of cough treatment which are simple to administer. Staying hydrated: Do you know that drinking lots of water and other fluids can help you overcome continuous […]

Common remedies for Cold and Flu

Common remedies for Cold and Flu

There is no cure for common cold and flu since these are viral infections. Most people prefer treating a cold using over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. Age-old home remedies are also very prevalent for finding relief from cold and flu symptoms. But when cold strikes, it is important to know what OTC cold & flu tablets are […]

Kinds of medication used for Cold & Flu

Kinds of medication used for Cold & Flu

Before reaching out for those cold and flu tablets to cure your illness, pause and think. Do you really want to pack your body with chemicals that will give you a short-term relief from flu and cold? The symptoms of these illnesses generally go away on their own within 9-10 days and you don’t really […]