5 Easy Methods to Treat Bruises

5 Easy Methods to Treat Bruises

A bruise or contusion appears when tiny blood vessels get damaged or break due to injury. It is a medical condition where blood from the damaged vessels remains accumulated beneath the epidermal layer. The skin becomes discolored and leaves a bluish or blackish mark. You can get a bruise when you bump into hard objects, […]

Bell’s Palsy – Treatments, Procedures, and More

Bell’s Palsy – Treatments, Procedures, and More

Bell’s palsy is a sudden muscle weakness on one side of the face causing the face to paralyze or become weak. The condition also causes one side of the face to droop and become stiff.  The condition is generally temporary and limited to a few months. Here are some of the Bells’ palsy treatment options, […]

What is Spinal Stenosis and How Can One Prevent it

What is Spinal Stenosis and How Can One Prevent it

Spinal stenosis is a condition characterized by the narrowing of the spinal column, which compresses the spinal cord or nerve roots. The condition often results in local pain in the back or neck and piercing pain in the connected extremities. The most common cause of spinal stenosis is the natural deterioration of the spine due […]

Remedies for Quick Relief from Gum Pain

Remedies for Quick Relief from Gum Pain

Pain in the gums is an annoying issue that can occur for several reasons such as canker sores, brushing too hard, and wearing dentures, braces, or retainers. In the case of women, pregnancy, hormonal changes, and menopause can be some of the reasons. Other than these, due to certain oral health issues such as thrush, […]

Neuropathy in Feet – Effective Ways to Ease the Pain

Neuropathy in Feet – Effective Ways to Ease the Pain

Neuropathy in feet is a condition which leads to the feeling of little to no sensation in the feet. Damage to your peripheral nerves leads to a feeling of numbness, weakness, and pain. You may touch a hot or cold appliance and feel no sensation at all. In many cases of the disease, your symptoms […]

Common Symptoms of an Enlarged Spleen

Common Symptoms of an Enlarged Spleen

An enlarged spleen is a common phenomenon. The spleen is the organ located just below the left rib cage. There are several conditions that may result in an enlarged spleen such as some forms of cancer, infections, and liver disease. The condition of an enlarged spleen is also called splenomegaly. An enlarged spleen may also […]

Common C Diff Symptoms

Common C Diff Symptoms

Clostridium difficile is a bacterium that causes many diseases that could be life-threatening. This bacterium mostly affects old men and women who are in the hospital or long-term healthcare facilities. It generally happens after the use of antibiotics. However, according to some recent studies, there is a huge growth of Clostridium difficile or C diff […]

Know the Warning Signs of Lymph Node Cancer

Know the Warning Signs of Lymph Node Cancer

Lymph node cancer or Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) is one such disease that shows many symptoms. The symptoms depend on where it occurs in your body and the type of lymphoma you are suffering from. There are times when you might not see any symptoms until the node gets bigger. Also, you should remember that having […]

All You Need to Know About Pneumococcal Pneumonia in Children

All You Need to Know About Pneumococcal Pneumonia in Children

Newborn kids are quite prone to bacterial and viral infections. Their body is not used to the outside environment when they are born, and because of low resistance to these infections, they can fall sick quite easily. One such issue that kids are known to face these days is pneumococcal pneumonia. It is a kind […]

4 Major Causes of Hand Numbness

4 Major Causes of Hand Numbness

Hand numbness is one of the many conditions you do not want to suffer from. Imagine touching a chilled or extremely hot appliance and feeling no sensation in your fingers. Scary, right? This is exactly what happens in hand numbness. While some cases are mild and go away with time, other cases affect the nerves […]