All you need to know about essential tremors

All you need to know about essential tremors

Essential tremor is a neurological condition that is often compared to Parkinson’s disease. Any involuntary, rhythmic muscle contraction that results in shaking of the hands mainly, or sometimes even other parts of the body is considered a tremor. The following are some common signs of essential tremors. A rhythmic shaking of arms, hands, legs, head, […]

Common symptoms of stomach cancer you should not ignore

Common symptoms of stomach cancer you should not ignore

Stomach cancer is difficult to be diagnosed in its early stages. This happens because what is classified as early symptoms of stomach cancer are assumed to be due to less serious illnesses. Most patients ignore the symptoms, brushing it off as a stomach ulcer or an infection. Stomach cancer is mostly noted among people over […]

Know about the common symptoms of stomach cancer

Know about the common symptoms of stomach cancer

Cancer of the stomach, also known as gastric cancer, occurs when healthy cells in the stomach become abnormal and multiply out of control. It is among the top causes for cancer-related deaths in the country. A tumor may be cancerous or benign. If the tumor in the stomach is cancerous, it is malignant and can spread […]

Symptoms of tongue cancer you should not ignore

Symptoms of tongue cancer you should not ignore

When cells multiply to a great extent, a growth or tumor is formed; the tumor, when suspected, is then tested, and if it is found to be malignant, it is said to be affected by cancer. Oral cancer is one of the common types of cancer that has affected many citizens across the country. There […]

Common symptoms of tongue cancer you should know

Common symptoms of tongue cancer you should know

Cancer is an abnormal division of cells in the tissues. Cancer can affect any part of the human body. Out of the several types of cancer, oral cancer ranks 15th of the most common cancers and disease in the world. In 2018, around 49,750 Americans were diagnosed with oral cancer. Men are twice as likely to […]

Top 5 early symptoms of brain tumor you need to know

Top 5 early symptoms of brain tumor you need to know

One of the largest and complex organs in the human body is the brain. This central unit of the nervous system controls activities such as breathing, movement, and all sensory perceptions. And, like it develops in most other organs in the body, abnormal growths or tumors can occur in the brain too. Brain tumors can […]

All about the early signs and symptoms of brain tumor

All about the early signs and symptoms of brain tumor

Severe headaches with changing patterns, nausea and/or vomiting with no reasonable cause, disturbances in the senses of vision (double vision or complete loss of vision), hearing (loss of hearing), changes in speech (slurring or incoherence in expression), the inability to swallow, solitary or multiple seizures, or paralysis due to muscle weakness, loss of balance or […]

4 Essentials To Look For In Multivitamin For Women

4 Essentials To Look For In Multivitamin For Women

There are many different brands that manufacture multivitamins for women. Out of these players, there are a few that stand out with their products and make it to the list of best multivitamins for women. The ingredients and effectiveness of these multivitamins is the factor that puts them a step ahead of the others. Knowing […]

Causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of asthma

Causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of asthma

A chronic respiratory disorder, asthma causes narrowing and swelling of the airways in the lungs due to the entry of allergens or irritants in the system. Therefore, the body reacts by producing excessive mucus which further leads to the onset of symptoms like coughing, chest tightness or pain, difficulty breathing, and wheezing. The effects of […]

5 different types of asthma

5 different types of asthma

Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition which constricts and swells up the lung airways. This leads to excessive production of mucus and sets off symptoms like chest discomfort, shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing. Over 25 million people in the country which includes both, children and adults, suffer from this condition. However, the intensity of […]