How to find a surgical specialist?

How to find a surgical specialist?

Medical specialists have advanced training and education in a specific field of medicine. Surgeons specialize in surgical procedures involving a specific body part. Some examples of surgical specialties are general surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, neurological surgery etc. But when you need to find a doctor for a particular health problem, medical training alone is not enough. […]

5 useful ways to reduce the risk of lung cancer

5 useful ways to reduce the risk of lung cancer

Lung cancer is a deadly disease that claims the lives of millions of people around the world every year. It is a leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States as well. There are some precautions a person can take to reduce the risk of lung cancer. However, these are not medically-proved ways of preventing […]

8 ways to cope with lung cancer diagnosis

8 ways to cope with lung cancer diagnosis

Lung cancer is one of most common types of cancer to affect both men and women. A lung cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming and can leave a person shocked. Here are a few ways in which a person can try to cope with this unfortunate medical condition. Understand your diagnosis and treatment plan: There is […]

6 tips for living with HIV AIDS

6 tips for living with HIV AIDS

The immune system is at great risk when one has HIV infection. Therefore, there are a few tips to follow in order to live a good life even if one has fallen prey to this infection. Since there are hardly any methods to get rid of the infection permanently, one can still deal with the […]

What are the causes and symptoms of AIDS?

What are the causes and symptoms of AIDS?

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a disease caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). This virus attacks and damages the body’s immune system; making the patient susceptible to other infections and diseases. Causes HIV is transmitted through infected blood or other body fluids such as semen. HIV can be transmitted through any kind of sexual […]

Healthy diet tips for people with HIV and AIDS

Healthy diet tips for people with HIV and AIDS

HIV weakens the body’s immune system; leaving it at risk for other infections. A healthy diet can help one maintain their body’s strength and continue to ward off infections. Here are some simple nutrition tips to follow if one has HIV or AIDS. Limit the intake of processed foods. However, the best thing to do […]

Prevention tips for teens – HIV/AIDS

Prevention tips for teens – HIV/AIDS

When your teen is growing up, there is so much you want to warn him about. HIV/AIDS is one of the concerns parents usually have. The body’s immune system gets weaker when one gets HIV since the immune system is what helps you fight infections and diseases. However, when it does, it can lead to […]

4 effective ways to prevent an onslaught of shingles

4 effective ways to prevent an onslaught of shingles

Caused by the varicella-zoster virus, shingles is a condition which exhibits small rashes or blisters that are painful and occurs after an attack from the chicken pox virus. The virus that causes this ailment is contagious. However, one can combat it through proper shingles medication. The infectious nature This illness can spread through direct contact […]